Do you confess your sin on a regular basis?

Perceive: David wrote this psalm after Nathan the prophet came and confronted him regarding his deep sins of adultery and murder. In the first section, David appeals to God and confesses his sin (1-4). In the second section, he acknowledges his sinful nature, his need for cleansing, and requests his joy to return (5-9). In verse 7, he mentions hyssop. Hyssop was a shrub like marjoram and thyme used in ritual cleansing. The priest would dip the hyssop and then sprinkle blood or water on people needing traditional cleansing (Lev. 14:4, 6; Num. 19:6, 18; see Ex. 12:22).
Practice: God wants all His men to have lives that are right, pure, and godly. In the Old Testament, people and priests used hyssop to cleanse from sin. Most scholars believe the Israelites used hyssop branches to paint the blood of the lamb on their doorposts in the exodus, demonstrating faith in God and their release from slavery. Today’s men of God find their cleansing through the Lamb’s blood in the finished work of Jesus completed on the cross (1 John 1:5–10; Heb. 10:19–25). If you have any hidden sin, now is the time and today is the day to confess and seek the Lord’s forgiveness through the cleansing blood of Christ.
Pray: Great and mighty God, please forgive me for my sinfulness and cleanse me from all the times I fail to choose what is right. Help me live the rest of my life in the light of Your Word.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: God wants all His men to have lives that are right, pure, and godly. In the Old Testament, people and priests used hyssop to cleanse from sin. Most scholars believe the Israelites used hyssop branches to paint the blood of the lamb on their doorposts in the exodus, demonstrating faith in God and their release from slavery. Today’s men of God find their cleansing through the Lamb’s blood in the finished work of Jesus completed on the cross (1 John 1:5–10; Heb. 10:19–25). If you have any hidden sin, now is the time and today is the day to confess and seek the Lord’s forgiveness through the cleansing blood of Christ.
Pray: Great and mighty God, please forgive me for my sinfulness and cleanse me from all the times I fail to choose what is right. Help me live the rest of my life in the light of Your Word.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on