Do you seek God during your afflictions?

Perceive: David wrote Psalm 59 after Saul sent men and they watched his home to take his life. Of this psalm, Spurgeon writes, “Affliction is the tuner of the harps of sanctified songsters.”[i] David complains about his afflictions and asks for deliverance from his enemies (1-4), he prays to God the Almighty for help and relief (4-5) and then renews his complaint (6-7). He declares his confidence in God (8). Saul has and continues to treat David very unjustly. The king continues to fear David. David is remembering attempted assassinations and certainly knows what to expect from the men who are watching him.
Practice: God’s ever-faithful love is a refuge of safety in a wicked, wicked, world. God’s innocent people rest on Him for assistance and relief from malicious adversaries. He wants to act in saving ways so that the world will see and know His power. Ways like stopping threats, corruption, false teaching, false witnesses, bad influences, slander, and opposition to name a few. Evil people who do not have faith in God and live as if He cannot perceive and will not punish, are foolish. We must be careful to remember that God hears and sees all we do as well. He scoffs at wicked men.
Pray: O Lord, help me with ___________ and enable me always to trust in You knowing You scoff at the world.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
[i] CH Spurgen, Treasury of David
Practice: God’s ever-faithful love is a refuge of safety in a wicked, wicked, world. God’s innocent people rest on Him for assistance and relief from malicious adversaries. He wants to act in saving ways so that the world will see and know His power. Ways like stopping threats, corruption, false teaching, false witnesses, bad influences, slander, and opposition to name a few. Evil people who do not have faith in God and live as if He cannot perceive and will not punish, are foolish. We must be careful to remember that God hears and sees all we do as well. He scoffs at wicked men.
Pray: O Lord, help me with ___________ and enable me always to trust in You knowing You scoff at the world.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
[i] CH Spurgen, Treasury of David