Have you totally surrendered to the Lord?

Perceive: In this psalm, David remembers the strength and provision of His God. It contains six sections. Section one calls for God to arise and His assembly exhorted to sing filled with joy (1-6). Section two describes the glory of God as he marched through the wilderness and as He conquered armies and scattered kings (7-14). Section three describes the ascent to the mountain of God and gives a messianic statement quoted in the New Testament (15-18). Section four describes God as a deliverer that shatters His enemies (19-23). Section five describes the procession that is ascending the mountain of God (24-27). The last section asks God to show Himself strong on behalf of His people and ends with singing praise to God (28-35).
Practice: This is considered a messianic psalm since verse 18 is quoted in Ephesians 4:8. God loves to set His people free and then crush the enemy in the process. When you gain the salvation of the Lord, you are gaining freedom from the penalty of your sin which is death! If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you will enjoy the benefits of His grace and mercy. Those who reject Him will receive His justice and wrath. Jesus Christ is Lord of the living and the dead. If you have not given Him total control over your life then today is the day you should humble yourself and surrender your life.
Pray: O Lord, thank You for Your love and care especially regarding spiritual enemies. Lead me in my life, all my life. I believe in Jesus that He lived, died on the cross, and arose from the dead. I give You total control. I surrender all.
Practice: This is considered a messianic psalm since verse 18 is quoted in Ephesians 4:8. God loves to set His people free and then crush the enemy in the process. When you gain the salvation of the Lord, you are gaining freedom from the penalty of your sin which is death! If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you will enjoy the benefits of His grace and mercy. Those who reject Him will receive His justice and wrath. Jesus Christ is Lord of the living and the dead. If you have not given Him total control over your life then today is the day you should humble yourself and surrender your life.
Pray: O Lord, thank You for Your love and care especially regarding spiritual enemies. Lead me in my life, all my life. I believe in Jesus that He lived, died on the cross, and arose from the dead. I give You total control. I surrender all.