Where do you take your emotional pain?

Perceive: This is another messianic psalm in which David asks God to rescue him from his enemies. It contains three main sections. In the first section, David recounts his suffering which comes from four main sources: his foes, his folly, his family, and his faith (1-12). In the second section, he makes his supplication known to God regarding his enemies, and then regarding himself (13-29). In the third section, David goes back to a song where he praises God for hearing his prayers and saving his people (30-36). David is experiencing a great deal of emotional pain as he cries out to God.
Practice: It is unfortunate that we may have to suffer for our faith in Christ and His resurrection. However, this should also cause us to look forward to the day of evils destruction and where justice will prevail. Like David, sometimes we will be scoffed at, humiliated, insulted, mocked, and misrepresented. If your situation seems hopeless, keep in mind both David and Jesus suffered at the hands of ungodly people. When people hurt us the greatest, we need to access God the most. He hears even though He may seem silent. Always stay the course no matter how terrible things look or feel.
Pray: Great and mighty God, help me with my pain today. Hear my prayer and vindicate me in front of my spiritual enemies. I know You hear the needy and You do not despise people who are prisoners.
Practice: It is unfortunate that we may have to suffer for our faith in Christ and His resurrection. However, this should also cause us to look forward to the day of evils destruction and where justice will prevail. Like David, sometimes we will be scoffed at, humiliated, insulted, mocked, and misrepresented. If your situation seems hopeless, keep in mind both David and Jesus suffered at the hands of ungodly people. When people hurt us the greatest, we need to access God the most. He hears even though He may seem silent. Always stay the course no matter how terrible things look or feel.
Pray: Great and mighty God, help me with my pain today. Hear my prayer and vindicate me in front of my spiritual enemies. I know You hear the needy and You do not despise people who are prisoners.