where is the chink in your armor

It's not hard to imagine that in their final night together Delijah gives him a rousing evening of sex and lots of wine to the point he is unconscious, passed out on her knees fully exposed, and unaware that someone shaved his head. Even sadder is when he awakes he did not realize the Lord had left him (20).
Immediately after capturing our hero the Philistines gouge out his eyes. Apparently the Philistines did not know if his strength could return or not, so they remove his eyes to minimize any future act of retribution or revenge. Isn't it interesting that his eyes, which were the main channel of his lust for sex and foreign women, are forever destroyed? Do not be deceived God is not mocked, what a man sows that shall he also reap (Gal 6:7). It must of been humbling to go from mighty man of God to being bound with shackles, used for entertainment, and grinding grain in prison.
Sex is a great gift between husband and wife but a successful tool of the enemy outside of marriage. When Dopamine, Oxytocin and Vasopressin are released during sex between a man and a woman couples bond, they become one. Whenever men and women get involved in sexual relationships outside of marriage, it can cause much trouble. Consequently, both parties can lose the ability to see the relationship clearly. Samson is a classic example of being blinded by love to the point of being played a fool.
- Are you aware of the dangers for having sex outside of marriage?
- Samson made a choice to live with Delilah. What choices are you making that could get you into a lot of trouble?
Immediately after capturing our hero the Philistines gouge out his eyes. Apparently the Philistines did not know if his strength could return or not, so they remove his eyes to minimize any future act of retribution or revenge. Isn't it interesting that his eyes, which were the main channel of his lust for sex and foreign women, are forever destroyed? Do not be deceived God is not mocked, what a man sows that shall he also reap (Gal 6:7). It must of been humbling to go from mighty man of God to being bound with shackles, used for entertainment, and grinding grain in prison.
Sex is a great gift between husband and wife but a successful tool of the enemy outside of marriage. When Dopamine, Oxytocin and Vasopressin are released during sex between a man and a woman couples bond, they become one. Whenever men and women get involved in sexual relationships outside of marriage, it can cause much trouble. Consequently, both parties can lose the ability to see the relationship clearly. Samson is a classic example of being blinded by love to the point of being played a fool.
- Are you aware of the dangers for having sex outside of marriage?
- Samson made a choice to live with Delilah. What choices are you making that could get you into a lot of trouble?