Where is the chink in your armor?

As we close out the story of Samson and his colorful life, we see God use him one final time. During this huge event where our hero is taunted and tortured, he calls out to God in prayer, "O Lord God, please remember me and the please strengthen me only this once, that I may be avenged on the Philistines for my two eyes." And God answers him with a resounding victory by bringing down the arena filled with 3000 people. Scripture records that he killed more Philistines at his death, then the amount of men during his life and ministry as Israel's judge.
Considering all the sins he committed, one would think God would let him reap the consequence of his lust, immorality, and drunkenness. Fortunately for him and for us the Lord is much more willing to forgive us than we realize. For many men the guilt and shame associated with sexual sin is extreme and often paralyzes any action of repentance and restitution. We should never let guilt and shame keep us from being restored to the Lord and to others. Isolation is the devils playground.
If God could still answer Samson's prayers and use him to fulfill his will, just imagine what he could do through men who repent, turn back to God, and seek times of refreshing from the Lord (Acts 3:19 NIV).
- When was the last time you were honest with God about your sin?
- Do you have an accountability partner that cares about the condition of your soul?
Considering all the sins he committed, one would think God would let him reap the consequence of his lust, immorality, and drunkenness. Fortunately for him and for us the Lord is much more willing to forgive us than we realize. For many men the guilt and shame associated with sexual sin is extreme and often paralyzes any action of repentance and restitution. We should never let guilt and shame keep us from being restored to the Lord and to others. Isolation is the devils playground.
If God could still answer Samson's prayers and use him to fulfill his will, just imagine what he could do through men who repent, turn back to God, and seek times of refreshing from the Lord (Acts 3:19 NIV).
- When was the last time you were honest with God about your sin?
- Do you have an accountability partner that cares about the condition of your soul?