The term “a chink in his armor” alludes to the medieval knight’s body armor or chain mail which was a set of interlinked rings of metal joined at various points. When a crack, or chink, developed between the links or joints, the knight was less protected against a spear or arrow. The noun “chink” has been used figuratively for such a gap since the 1400s.
In the 1600’s a chink in one’s armor became known as a slight weakness or a place where a man is vulnerable. This weakness or vulnerability may lead to that person’s downfall; it is a place where an opponent can do some damage that may prove to unravel or injure the person. Today if you say that someone has a chink in their armor, you mean that they have a small weakness in their character or in their ideas which makes it easy to harm them and reduce their influence and power.
Unfortunately, far too many men live and act like the world is a playground when it’s a battleground. A battleground where the enemy of men’s souls has done a masterful job of finding a man’s chink in his personal character. Once a character weakness is known the enemy in this battle is relentless in setting up influences to injure, maim, kill, or destroy. As Dr Doug Wiess so eloquently states in the video series WARPATH, “If Satan can seduce you, he will reduce you.”[i] And seduction is his number one method of attack.
Today the condition of men continues to darken. Although the sin of men and the temptations they face are not new (Galatians 5:19-21), there are more people exchanging the truth of God for a lie than ever before. When God gives men over to the sinful desires of their hearts, they are going to seek fulfillment of life through sexual impurity. The more men look to sexuality to make them feel good, the more their behavior will deteriorate into excessive indulgence (Romans 1:24). This is a key reason why pornography is a booming business, even among men in our churches.
Unfortunately, a major ramification of increased sexuality throughout society is the growth of deviant sexual practices. When God gives a society over to its shameful lusts, both men and women exchange normal sexual behavior for abnormal practices (Romans 1:26-27). Every day on the news we view sympathetic broadcasts of sweet, tender loving “gay” couples being persecuted and mistreated by conservatives and zealous Christians.
Every year more denominations practice anti-biblical policies by supporting homosexual and lesbian marriages as well as putting gay people into positions of leadership within their churches. What this proves is that the church is not immune from exchanging the truth of God for a lie. Recently a mainline American denomination announced the ordination of homosexuals under the pretense that the church needs to show 21st century social justice to a group of people who are often mistreated and persecuted. If each pair is committed to one another, the marriage union and church leadership of homosexuals receives denominational blessing. Amazing!
Worse yet, there are increasing numbers of adults having sex with young minors. This includes a growing segment of women teachers having sex with male and female adolescents barely into their teens. Sadly, men commit most instances of sex with youth. Sex trafficking is at all-time high, and pornography is fueled by mostly men who seek increasingly more and darker types of visual and mental sexual satisfaction. Unfortunately, these men experience addiction, more shame, and personal failure.
Author and speaker Bill Perkins often asks men, “Are you stronger than Samson, more spiritual than David, or wiser than Solomon?”[ii] Do you know any men who would claim a ’Yes’ to these questions? Yet thousands of men are living as though they can master their flesh and in fact live like they are stronger than Samson, more spiritual than David, and wiser than Solomon. Unfortunately, they end up destroying themselves and impacting a lot of lives around them. None of us plans to get up one day and develop an addiction to pornography, commit adultery or to live promiscuously, yet this is happening to thousands of men. Sexual danger is with us all the time.
The purpose of this bible study is to help the reader learn from the lives of these three men who failed and failed greatly. Samson, David, and Solomon are three classic biblical examples of men with big chinks that men can study, learn from, and make application to their own persona daily living. The world desperately needs Christian men who will focus on God and live sexually pure lives.
Every man has a chink in his armor! Which chinks are yours?
Remember: “If Satan can seduce you, he will reduce you.”
[i] WARPATH episode ?
[ii] A Mighty Million Men ---
In the 1600’s a chink in one’s armor became known as a slight weakness or a place where a man is vulnerable. This weakness or vulnerability may lead to that person’s downfall; it is a place where an opponent can do some damage that may prove to unravel or injure the person. Today if you say that someone has a chink in their armor, you mean that they have a small weakness in their character or in their ideas which makes it easy to harm them and reduce their influence and power.
Unfortunately, far too many men live and act like the world is a playground when it’s a battleground. A battleground where the enemy of men’s souls has done a masterful job of finding a man’s chink in his personal character. Once a character weakness is known the enemy in this battle is relentless in setting up influences to injure, maim, kill, or destroy. As Dr Doug Wiess so eloquently states in the video series WARPATH, “If Satan can seduce you, he will reduce you.”[i] And seduction is his number one method of attack.
Today the condition of men continues to darken. Although the sin of men and the temptations they face are not new (Galatians 5:19-21), there are more people exchanging the truth of God for a lie than ever before. When God gives men over to the sinful desires of their hearts, they are going to seek fulfillment of life through sexual impurity. The more men look to sexuality to make them feel good, the more their behavior will deteriorate into excessive indulgence (Romans 1:24). This is a key reason why pornography is a booming business, even among men in our churches.
Unfortunately, a major ramification of increased sexuality throughout society is the growth of deviant sexual practices. When God gives a society over to its shameful lusts, both men and women exchange normal sexual behavior for abnormal practices (Romans 1:26-27). Every day on the news we view sympathetic broadcasts of sweet, tender loving “gay” couples being persecuted and mistreated by conservatives and zealous Christians.
Every year more denominations practice anti-biblical policies by supporting homosexual and lesbian marriages as well as putting gay people into positions of leadership within their churches. What this proves is that the church is not immune from exchanging the truth of God for a lie. Recently a mainline American denomination announced the ordination of homosexuals under the pretense that the church needs to show 21st century social justice to a group of people who are often mistreated and persecuted. If each pair is committed to one another, the marriage union and church leadership of homosexuals receives denominational blessing. Amazing!
Worse yet, there are increasing numbers of adults having sex with young minors. This includes a growing segment of women teachers having sex with male and female adolescents barely into their teens. Sadly, men commit most instances of sex with youth. Sex trafficking is at all-time high, and pornography is fueled by mostly men who seek increasingly more and darker types of visual and mental sexual satisfaction. Unfortunately, these men experience addiction, more shame, and personal failure.
Author and speaker Bill Perkins often asks men, “Are you stronger than Samson, more spiritual than David, or wiser than Solomon?”[ii] Do you know any men who would claim a ’Yes’ to these questions? Yet thousands of men are living as though they can master their flesh and in fact live like they are stronger than Samson, more spiritual than David, and wiser than Solomon. Unfortunately, they end up destroying themselves and impacting a lot of lives around them. None of us plans to get up one day and develop an addiction to pornography, commit adultery or to live promiscuously, yet this is happening to thousands of men. Sexual danger is with us all the time.
The purpose of this bible study is to help the reader learn from the lives of these three men who failed and failed greatly. Samson, David, and Solomon are three classic biblical examples of men with big chinks that men can study, learn from, and make application to their own persona daily living. The world desperately needs Christian men who will focus on God and live sexually pure lives.
Every man has a chink in his armor! Which chinks are yours?
Remember: “If Satan can seduce you, he will reduce you.”
[i] WARPATH episode ?
[ii] A Mighty Million Men ---