have you ever felt betrayed by someone who spoke peace?

Perceive: Once again our hero is facing a difficult circumstance, and he asks the Lord to rescue him from his enemies and praises the Lord for hearing his prayer. It could have happened during the time leading up to Absalom's rebellion, but no one knows for sure. It has two main sections. In the first section, David asks the Lord for two things: 1-he cries out to God to hear his voice and complaint and 2-to punish the wicked according to their evil (1-5). In the second section, David talked to the Lord about two things: 1-he blessed and praised the Lord for hearing and answering his prayer, 2-he calls on the Lord to bless His people and lead them for eternity (6-9). In a lot of David's psalms, we see him demonstrating prayer with patience.
Practice: One wonders how much David’s son absorbed during his youth regarding some of his father’s friendships that turned out poorly. Later he would write, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.” (Proverbs 27:6). For some people, it is easy to pretend they are your friend. Wicked people are pros at this. They want their agenda and will do just about anything to get it. It is an unfortunate part of leadership that makes people in high positions targets of false friendships. David was aware that God would punish these kinds of people and he prays for them in this psalm. As a godly man in the local church, you should be forthright and sincere with both men and women in and out of the church.
Pray: O Lord, my God, thank You for the many great friends in my current life and in the years to come. Guard me against the wicked.
Practice: One wonders how much David’s son absorbed during his youth regarding some of his father’s friendships that turned out poorly. Later he would write, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.” (Proverbs 27:6). For some people, it is easy to pretend they are your friend. Wicked people are pros at this. They want their agenda and will do just about anything to get it. It is an unfortunate part of leadership that makes people in high positions targets of false friendships. David was aware that God would punish these kinds of people and he prays for them in this psalm. As a godly man in the local church, you should be forthright and sincere with both men and women in and out of the church.
Pray: O Lord, my God, thank You for the many great friends in my current life and in the years to come. Guard me against the wicked.