Do you regularly evaluate your thoughts?

Practice: This could have been the end of the story, but thankfully God is about to hold his chosen leader accountable for at least three commandments: he coveted another man’s wife, committed adultery, and conspiracy to commit murder. Sow a thought, you reap an action. Sow an action, you reap a habit. Sow a habit, and you reap a destiny! If you are an intentional follower of Christ who is playing with the sins of the flesh, you are living on borrowed time and putting yourself in great danger. God has a way of making the sins done in the darkness, be exposed to His light (Ephesians 5:11-13). It is never glamorous and seldom turns out well!
Pray: Thank you, Lord, for this stinging example in the life of King David. Help me to keep my thoughts and actions appropriate for a serving man of God.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on